Smartphones are still spreading more and more and this increase is not expected to stop with the decrease in their prices, so smart applications are one of the most successful ways to reach your target audience anywhere and at any time.
However, with the increase in these applications, the quality of many of them decreased. As an entrepreneur or company owner, you can spend a lot of money to build a smart application for your business, but does this mean that it will remain in the user’s phone.
In this article, we explain to you 9 features that you need to include in your mobile app … so that your investment won’t be wasted and that you do not lose the attention and loyalty of your customers.
1- Evaluation system
The user can rate your application through the application store (Google Play – Apple Store – …), he can also write a quick review of the application, what he liked, what he did not like. By reading these reviews, you can update the application with the latest features and fix it from any errors.
But what we mean by providing an evaluation system is that the user can contact you in real time, perhaps via a button to report an error, or a link to write a mail and then send it to you or to the application developer with your team. It is important to provide an internal system to evaluate the application, to deal with any problems that appear, and to implement some user suggestions in future updates.
2- The possibility of customization
One of the successful features that users love a lot is the ability to customize, such as changing colors and fonts. You can provide the ability to customize with the option to adjust to suit a wide range of your audience.
The most important thing in terms of customization is the privacy options, which many users care about. Do not let the user choose a command upon installation and then discover that they cannot change it, then the user will decide to delete your application from the phone.
3- Usability
Usability is one of the things that many developers and business owners lose users because of, usability is simply to develop the application with the appropriate features and characteristics for the appropriate user, you may like a feature that you find in a social application and want to implement it with your company’s e-commerce application .. well things do not go like this.
Study your audience well, or hire a UX designer to improve the user experience. There is a quick fix if you are in a hurry or want to save some money. The solution is simply to learn from successful applications that are similar to yours, to know the most important features that users like, and to include them in the application.
4- Keep it simple
Many business owners may want to include the app with great features, but they are too much. That puts the user in great confusion and distraction. The application has a function of taking notes, the most important features that it can contain are the recording, editing, deletion, search, these are perhaps the simplest features that the application needs, but it suffices and more.
Determine the main features of your application and then simply provide it to the user. An application that does its job is the best application for users to choose.
5- Registration with social accounts
This feature may increase the number of installations unexpectedly, because it is the fastest. The user can access the application from any phone or tablet without the need to enter the mail and password every time.
Providing registration with popular social accounts is one of the features that you must emphasize in order for the developer to include them. Facebook, Google Plus, and Twitter are the most popular networks that you can provide for the user to register with.
6- Analysis
Without clear user experience statistics, the number of clicks and interaction with content in the app, you can never know where the bugs are or how you can improve the app.
The rating system may work well, but it is one way to keep track of things, especially since only a small percentage of people write comments and rate the application, so you must know and measure the key performance indicators.
7- Offline browsing
If your application needs an internet connection for use, you can benefit from providing these services or content offline, which will increase user interaction and engagement with the application. If your application is related to content, you can, for example, provide a feature to save articles to read them on.
Or save the content on the phone and update it whenever available. A good app is what maintains its relationship with the user, no matter what.
8- Use the gamification principle
There is no better shortcut to getting users addicted to your app than by using the principles of gamification, which increases user attachment to the app more than anything.
Examples of using these principles are that providing a user profile for each user collects points the more he interacts with the application. And provide a page that compares his points with those of other users.
Another idea is to present the application as a short life journey in which the user gains titles and features whenever he is able to move from one stage to the next. It looks like a game, and this is what is meant by the principle of gamification … Applying the principles of play to business applications to increase user engagement and interaction with them.
9- Performance and speed
If you are going to hire an application developer, it is worth noting that the professional developer is not the one who performs the task, but rather the one who makes the application work at its best, taking advantage of the capabilities of the phone carefully.
This is because the performance of the application is one of the main factors for the user to like the application, when the user presses a button, he expects it to respond in less than a second. If the application is doing any background tasks then kindly inform the user that he can wait a few seconds.